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Abdominal surgeon




Bratislava, work experience from 5 years



Abdominal surgeon




Bratislava, work experience from 5 years

The medical profession is in demand all over the world – that’s a fact. Slovakia, one of the countries of the European Union, is no exception in this regard. Ukrainian specialists are welcome here and offer them decent working conditions.

We officially cooperate with hospitals
throughout Slovakia

To find medical staff for them - doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants. Please note that we do not charge any additional fees for registration, consultations, etc. After hiring you, signing an employment contract and receiving a residence permit, the employer pays us a commission.

We will be with you
at all stages of employment

  assistance in paperwork and nostrification

organizing interviews with hospitals and resolving all issues related to employment

assistance in preparing for submitting documents to the Slovak consulate to obtain a temporary residence permit

We provide you with the opportunity to attend our Slovak language classes for medical specialists

We will help you organize your move to Slovakia for work

even after your employment, we are always in touch and ready to help you.

How to get doctor's job
in Slovakia?

If you received your medical education outside the European Union, you will need to confirm your qualifications by going through the nostrification procedure and the following stages.

Main stages

Fill out a resume in the form of a questionnaire according to the sample (a sample is provided), then we translate your resume into Slovak and send it to hospitals for review. After studying your resume, the employer will understand whether you are suitable for him and whether it is worth scheduling an interview.

Nostrification is the recognition of foreign diplomas of school, higher and postgraduate professional education. In Slovakia, nostrification of a diploma is a necessary condition both for employment in the specialty and for continuing studies. The decision on the compliance of higher education with the norms of Slovak legislation is made by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic. The procedure for reviewing documents and recognizing a diploma can last up to 90 days. If necessary, the Ministry has the right to request additional documents from the applicant at its discretion.

What is necessary for nostrification of a diploma?

To nostrify a diploma, it is enough to prepare the documents listed below and send them to the Ministry of Education of Slovakia. We are ready to assist in this process, and then your documents are guaranteed to get to the right department of the Ministry.

  1. Letter of request (in the form of a questionnaire). This is a covering letter, which is a mandatory document when applying for nostrification of a diploma. The Agency is preparing the said letter.
  2. Questionnaire (An application form is provided). Filled out in Russian. The questionnaire data is used to compose a letter of request.
  3. Copy of internal passport (all pages). There is NO NEED for certification or translation.
  4. Copy of foreign biometric passport (first page). There is NO NEED for certification or translation.
  5. Notarized copy of documents about receiving secondary education (graduation from school/college/school).
  6. A notarized copy of the diploma and its annex on receipt of medical education with APOSTILLE, after which a licensed translation into Slovak language. (First, you need to go through the procedure of apostilizing the diploma and application, then make notarized copies of these documents, then translate the notarized copies into Slovak).

    Attention: The application must contain a list of subjects studied, the number of hours in each subject and the grade.

  7. Official confirmation The Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Health that the university that issued the diploma has a license to provide medical education (certificate of accreditation).
  8. Power of attorney for our employee (for business management and assistance with nostrification) – a sample is provided.
  9. Payment of service fee – 100 euros. This is an official fee from the Slovak Ministry of Education. You can pay to our bank account by bank transfer. 
  10. Payment for sending documents to Slovakia (mail services - air delivery). Payment can be made by bank transfer.

An important condition for successful work in Slovakia is knowledge of the Slovak language. We provide preparatory courses in the Slovak language for our candidates.

At the moment, Slovak clinics have introduced a new mandatory requirement for candidates coming to work - knowledge of the Slovak language at least at the basic A1 level.
The Slovak language is not yet required for the interview, but upon arrival at work you must demonstrate to the employer that you have prepared for the start of work and started learning the language in advance. This is necessary for faster adaptation and the ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and patients. 
When you have passed the interview and submit documents to the consulate for a residence permit, the hospital provides you with a PRISL'UB NA PRIJATIE - a promise of employment.
After your arrival in Slovakia, you sign an employment contract with the employer on the spot. And upon arrival, the employer has the right to refuse to sign a work contract if he does not see the proper level of language proficiency.
Therefore, we offer you training in the Slovak language in our courses specially organized for our candidates.
– Classes are held online on our video platform;
– Duration – 100 academic hours (3 times a week for 2 hours (60 minutes each), in the evening) – this is approximately 3 months. The schedule is flexible and can change to suit the needs of participants.
– during the courses you will learn the basics of the general Slovak language and the general Slovak medical language. 

We strongly recommend that you pay due attention to learning the language when taking courses, do not miss classes and do everything that the lecturer asks you to do. 

From January 1, 2016, doctors of all specialties (including dentists, prosthetists, pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists) are required to take an exam to confirm their qualifications. In accordance with the law, one of the mandatory conditions for working in the healthcare sector is knowledge of the state language to the extent necessary to carry out such activities. This applies to foreign specialists intending to practice medicine in Slovakia, including those who want to provide services related to medical and sanitary care.

The qualification examination is held 2 times a year (in spring and autumn) at the Ministry of Education of Slovakia and one of the Medical Universities of Slovakia. The selection of the university is carried out by the Ministry of Education.


The exam consists of two parts: written and oral.


Number of questions: 100.

Questions in the form of a test and open questions.

  • 80 questions on the following thematic sections: general medicine, gynecology, surgery, pediatrics;
  • 20 questions on the regulatory and legislative framework for healthcare in Slovakia.


The oral part of the exam consists of live communication with members of the commission, where various cases from medical practice will be considered, and the examinee must find a solution to the problem and explain it.

Exam fee: 740 euros for doctors and 1180 euros for dentists (price for the autumn exam 2021) (service fee).

If you fail the first time, you can go for a retake, and if you do this within 12 months from the date of the first attempt, in this case the payment will be 50% from full price.

If the qualification confirmation exam was successfully passed, then after it you must also pass an examination to confirm your knowledge of the Slovak language at the level necessary for carrying out work activities.

After nostrification of the diploma, the doctor has the right to start working in public or private clinics or hospitals in Slovakia. At this stage, the doctor works as a general medicine doctor without specialization (as an assistant to the chief physician).

The salary will be: 1000 euros/month (net earnings). Additional payments and bonuses are possible for on-duty duties in agreement with the employer.

To work as a medical specialist, you must go through the stage of confirming your early specialization. This stage becomes available only after passing the qualification exam and the Slovak language proficiency exam. 

For recognition, you must provide certificates and other documents confirming your specialization. It is important that the number of years of the training program in the country of specialization and in Slovakia coincide. It is possible to obtain specialization directly in Slovakia upon referral from an employer by passing the necessary exams.

If necessary, your employer helps with completing the required internship, passing academic differences, and developing further prospects for your cooperation with him. After a doctor or nurse has confirmed their specialization, they can work independently as specialists, receive higher wages and develop in their field.

If the specialization is confirmed and recognized in Slovakia, the doctor’s salary will be at least 2000-2500 Euros (net earnings) + additional payments and bonuses for duty by agreement with the employer.

Having gone through all the stages, you - full-fledged medical worker in Slovakia

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Employment as a doctor in Slovakia: features and prospects

The demand for health workers in Slovakia is consistently high. Foreign specialists are very welcome here and are offered quite decent living and working conditions. We will consider the main questions regarding employment and moving to the country below.

Employment as a doctor in Slovakia: procedure and features of the procedure

Why has working as a doctor in Slovakia become so popular? Everything is explained by the country’s admission to the Schengen zone. Having gained access to more promising options in Europe, local specialists began to leave the country one after another. Therefore, there are places and there will be in the near future.

In terms of salary, we are not talking about global amounts, but you can count on 1,500 euros or more.

Specialists with a narrow focus are especially valuable.

Working as a doctor abroad: registration

How does the procedure itself work?

You can be a super-qualified doctor, but unfortunately, you won’t be able to work with a translator all the time.
It is also important to know the language for diploma nostrification.
First there is a general confirmation that your work as a doctor in Europe is suitable, and then there is a determination of suitability for the specialty. How? By passing an examination before a committee of professors from various medical universities. They are all more than loyal and need specialists just as the specialists themselves need work.
But requests are requests.
Residence permit card at the invitation of the employer, confirmation of diploma and exams
If you have already found a job, you can ask the employer for an invitation.
This written confirmation with a guarantee of employment is submitted to the immigration department (police) or embassy.
The decision takes 2-3 months. However, if (!!) a potential employer indicates in his invitation that such a foreign specialist is very important for working in a medical institution, that he can bring tangible benefits to a company in Slovakia, everything will go faster.
Further, after receiving a residence permit, the final stages begin in the host country itself.
It is necessary to confirm your diploma. To do this, it is submitted to the ministry and undergoes verification.
After verification, testing begins.
The applicant must pass a state exam at one of the country's medical universities. It is impossible to know in advance which university it will be. This is selected individually.
Those who choose preparation courses need to know that the state exam consists of the following subjects:
medicine: general medicine, gynecology, surgery, pediatrics,
Legal and regulatory framework for healthcare in Slovakia.
After passing the state exam, you must have your diploma certified and confirm your knowledge of the Slovak language.
Work visa and residence permit
After passing the state examination, a foreign applicant who has confirmed his qualifications can contact the immigration police and apply for a residence permit.
Please note that there is also a blue card. It is issued to a citizen who is capable of making a significant contribution to the development of the country (any profession important to society).
To obtain a residence permit and work permit, a foreigner must enter into a preliminary agreement with the host party, discuss the schedule and package of benefits.

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